Interesting Biology Facts

 Biology talks about life and only life. Everything living around us is related to the study of biology. Whether it is a microorganism or a massive animal, they all fall under biology. Now, every living species inculcates different biological systems and works differently. There are some mind-blowing biological facts that we didn't even know but actually exist in nature. These interesting biology facts will help you to gain a better knowledge about the subject and the environment that surrounds us. This article outlines all the interesting biology facts that you need to know and understand how the living world works.

Supersized Molecules

This comes under biology science facts where you might know that almost everything in this world is made up of millions of molecules. Though the size of these varies from simple to complex types of molecule. A simple molecule can be an oxygen molecule whereas a complex molecule is an organic structure. But did you know where the biggest molecule resides? Well, the interesting biology fact is that it is inside you! Yes, the chromosome is the biggest molecule.  

Is The Appendix Useful?

Nobody liked the appendix, right? In biology science facts it is considered as a body part that lost its functions many years ago and all it does is get infected from time to time, give you pain and cause appendicitis. This biological fact will tell you how important the appendix has become. Recently, it was discovered that the appendix is a bacterium that can be useful for your digestive system and its functioning. The appendix helps to get relief from the tension of the hectic bustle of the gut. The amazing facts on biology are that it keeps the gut’s bacterial residents beaten up by breeding with them.

The Goosebumps Evolution

This is an interesting biology fact that will tell you about the Goosebumps evolution over the years. Goosebumps occur when the muscles near each hair on our body tense up and stand erect. 

But in furry animals, this has a different reaction which is not a basic biology fact. When mammals bungle up their fleece when threatened, they look bigger and very dangerous.  

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 Spider Eats Their Mother When Lacking Food

Most mothers would do just about anything for their kids, but it usually doesn't result in an untimely death.

But, this doesn't ring true for all species. Especially when we talk about spiders. A species of spider called Stegodyphus lineatus, motherhood has some irreversible and gruesome consequences.

After giving birth, these spider mothers regurgitate food for their young babies and when food lacks they allow themselves to be cannibalised by their babies, making the ultimate sacrifice for reproductive success.

Now your brain will be thinking, where they found! 

Stegodyphus lineatus spiders found in the semi-arid regions of Israel and other parts of the Mediterranean basin, and throughout the Near East and in Asia Minor.

Eyelash Invaders

Have you heard of Eyelash Invaders?

Now, This Biological fact might creep you out a little bit but depending on your age, it is very much possible that you have eyelash mites. These are tiny creatures that reside on old cells on the skin and the natural oil which is sebum formed by the human hair follicles.  

Amazing facts on biology says they grow almost transparent and possibly a third of a millimetre. You cannot see them through your naked eye. Put your eyelash hair under a microscope and see what you find.

 This is a biology science fact and therefore almost half of the world population has these.

Now you may be wondering who is this? And how many types are there?

Demodex is a genus of tiny mites that live in or near hair follicles of mammals. Around 65 species of Demodex are known. Two species live on humans: Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis. both frequently referred to as eyelash mites, alternatively face mites or skin mites.

Snakes Never Close Their Eyes

One of the amazing facts on biology tells you about how snakes never close their eyes. Even while sleeping, they have their eyes open. The basic biology fact is that snakes do not have eyelids naturally. They aren’t born with one. They just have eye scales that will cover their eyes which you must have seen in many animal planet's shows. They shed their eye scales when they shed their skin. 

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These were just some interesting facts about biology. Biology as a study is vast and learning amazing facts on biology is endless. You can never know too much when it comes to biology. The human species is evolving every day and with it so are the facts.


When you learn facts about cells for biology, it is a vast subject. The basic biology fact is that all living things are made up of cells. These cells are made up of organelles and proteins where its main function is to organize. Motor cells are the longest cells in the human body.  

Biology facts about cells tell us that there are 75 to 100 trillion cells in the human body. Usually, this comes under the top 5 facts about biology when studying.

There are many fun facts in biology, some are: 

The female egg is the largest cell in the human body and the male sperm is the smallest.

As compared to the day, the brain is highly active during the night time.

In the span of your life, you produce saliva, which is equal to two Olympic sized swimming pools, it is a true biology science fact.


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