World Stroke Day: 5 Important Facts About Stroke That Everybody Should be Aware Of

Every year World Stroke Day is celebrated on October 29th. This day is observed to raise awareness about a stroke and how it affects human life. According to many studies conducted in the past, it has been revealed that most of the strokes happen in developing countries that include India as well. It is commonly seen in people who suffer from ailments like diabetes, blood pressure and also hypertension. For those who do not know much about a stroke, the World Stroke Organisation states that a stroke happens when the flow of blood to the brain is blocked. Most people think that a stroke is related to the heart, however the fact is that a stroke is a brain related illness. There are many deaths happening due to stroke as much as due to cancer. It is one of the leading causes of deaths and also disability. Since there is a lot of confusion, myths and doubts about a stroke, here are some facts about stroke that we think is important for everybody to know. On world stroke Day, increase and improve your knowledge about this disease that is one of the leading causes of death.

Strokes can happen to people of every age. The general myth is that strokes happen only to elderly people. A stroke can happen to anybody between the age of 18 to 65 and that is because of a poor lifestyle and also obesity.

Strokes are not seen happening often is one of the biggest myths. In fact that fact is that strokes happen very often and are commonly seen in many countries like the USA.

Strokes can be very well prevented. Because the reasons behind a stroke is blood pressure, diabetes and also obesity, it can be prevented. Follow a good lifestyle for the same.

Most of the times strokes lead to a clot that many people think cannot be treated. However the fact is that a stroke can be treated. If a person gets gets himself checked at an hospital within 4 hours of getting stroke symptoms, a doctor can reverse the damage.

Now if you have been thinking that strokes are not hereditary, you are wrong. Strokes are very much hereditary and facts like hypertension or obesity do have a genetic component in them. In fact even when a stroke happens in younger people it can be because of a result of clotting disorders or cardiac tumors being passed from generation to generation.

So these are the 5 most important facts about a stroke that you should be aware..


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